

Resource Description
DDEV Install and use DDEV.


Resource Description
Docker Notes Docker notes and useful information.
Docker Desktop Docker UI app, saves a lot of time.
Docker CLI References Docker commnad-line references.
Docer .env Files
Docker Crons
Docker Examples Docker stack examples.


Resource Description
Emails Email process, email servers, email clients, email protocols.


Resource Description
Install Git Install git on your machine.
Setup Your Git User Setup your git user on your machine.
Setup Github Login with SSH Key-Pair Setup your git user on your machine.
Using Git Notes on using Git for development.
Gitignore Example File Examples to fill flush-out your gitignore file with.


Resource Description
HTML Document An HTML Document is a text file written for web browsers to read.
HTML Elements HTML elemnts and attributes.
HTML Entities HTML Entities are used to render a character that would normally be interpreted by the browser.
ARIA Web Standards ARIA Web standards
W3C Markup Validation W3C Markup Validation Service
HTML 5 Outliner W3C Markup Validation Service


Resource Description
Linux CLI References Linux command-line references.
Cron Jobs Linux cron job notes.
Ports Ports and what they are used for.

MySQL / MariaDB

Resource Description
MySQL MariaDB Client CLI References MySQL and MariaDB client command-line references.


Resource Description
Nginx CLI References Nginx command-line references.


Resource Description
Composer Library dependency management for PHP.


Resource Description
WordPress Notes WordPress development notes.